Allah's Signs


On this blog/website, we dive deeper into Allah's signs looking deeply at Allah’s Ayats as they are composed today to see if we can derive new meaning/understanding of them, covering as many topics as we can big and small, according to the existing Qur'an as it was orally revealed to the Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him by way of Allah's messenger angel Gabriel, using the Qur'an to fact-check the Books that came before it, analyze the world as it exists today, derive meaning, purpose, and value for our lives, analyze what happened to the former books revealed by God, and learn what meaning and value we can derive from their presence. If you find this kind of content interesting, please bookmark this tab on your computer, laptop, or phone and check it every day or every other day to see if more info/information has been revealed.

I look forward to embarking on this journey with you all, and I look forward to reaching new heights; inshaAllah (aka Allah-willing aka so please Allah); in the presence of Allah; with our study of the Qur’an aka the pure word of Allah and a closer look at the other books attributed to God, whether they are unanimously pure in their entirety or have been clearly tainted!

On this blog, inshaAllah, we will also dive deeper into the purpose of the Qur’an, aka why it was revealed and what it means for mankind.